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Synapse: Web Package

Making web and native communication much more simpler and effective!

Table of Contents


Synapse web package can be installed easily via NPM (Node Package Manager) -

npm i @tata1mg/synapse

Note- Currently it has support for Node.js based environments.


Synapse installation can be done in two easy steps.

Firstly, we need to add platform identity information at the server side. (currently has support for nodejs)

const { identity } = require("@tata1mg/synapse/server")

identity.set(req, res, {
platform: "android", // current environment of the web app (android/ios/web)
version: "16.1.0", // current version of the native app (major.minor.patch)
support: {
// versions from which synapse will be initalised
android: "16.0.0",
ios: "15.0.0",
cookie: {} // cookie properties, if any
devMode: true/false, // configures synapse in development mode

Note- synapse adds certain cookies within the response object namely - synapse:init, synapse:legacy, synapse:config, which needs to be whitelisted for platform identification.

In the next step, we need to add information about the event bridge path required for callbacks initialization at the client side.

const { initialize } = require("@tata1mg/synapse")

nativeBridge: {
bridgeName: "AppCallbacks",
androidBridgePath: "window.AppCallbacks",
iosBridgePath: "window.webkit.messageHandlers",
webBridge: {
bridgeName: "WebCallbacks",

Web Bridge

Synapse package comes shipped with some generic interfaces out of the box, namely -

  1. navigator
  2. storage
  3. onMessage etc.

In addtion to these, we can add and modify new and existing web interfaces too.

const { webBridge } = require("@tata1mg/synapse")

interaction: {
showToastMessage: (data = {}) => {
if (data && data.message) {
document.getElementById("toast").innerText = data.message
} else {
document.getElementById("toast").innerText = "onMessage Test Success!"
onMessage: {
true/false // overrides pre-existing interfaces, if any


Synapse also ships required tools for handling AppCallbacks and WebView identification utilities.

AppCallback Handlers

The callback handler package consists of basic function wrappers which can be used for handling native callbacks (AppCallbacks).

Has support for legacy handler which can be used for handling fallback callbacks based on version support headers.

const { callbackHandler, legacyHandler } = require("@tata1mg/synapse/handler")

callbackHandler(callback [, support])

callbackHandler is a function wrapper which can be used for calling native callbacks in a WebView environment.

callbackHandler(() => window.synapse.AppCallbacks.<interfaceName>.<methodName>(arguments))

Has additional feature for support version overrides, which can be used to add future callbacks based on their app support versions.

callbackHandler(() => window.synapse.AppCallbacks.<interfaceName>.<methodName>(arguments), { android: "16.1.0", ios: "15.1.0" })

legacyHandler(callbackObject [, support])

legacyHandler is a function wrapper which can be used in case you want to have support for lower support version AppCallbacks.

current: () => window.synapse.AppCallbacks.<interfaceName>.<methodName>(arguments),
legacy: () => legacyFunctionHandler(arguments)

Has additional feature for support version overrides, which can be used to override legacy callback handling.

current: () => window.synapse.AppCallbacks.<interfaceName>.<methodName>(arguments),
legacy: () => legacyFunctionHandler(arguments)
{ android: "16.1.0", ios: "15.1.0" })

Platform Utility

The platform utility package consists of various tools and utilities required while working with WebView environment.

const { isSSR, isWebView, ...utils } = require("@tata1mg/synapse/utils")

isSSR()Checks if the rendering is server side or nottrue/false
isWebView([req][, res])Performs WebView identification, supports both SSR and CSR flowstrue/false
getPlatform()Gets the platform value for the current environmentandroid/ios/web
checkVersionSupport(support)Checks support for feature based on current and support version object passedtrue/false
isLegacyWebView(req [, res])Determines if the current WebView flow is legacy based or nottrue/false
injectCallback(interfaceName, methodName [, args][, nonce])Used for injecting native callbacks in raw HTML docs and scriptsstringified HTML script